Mini Ninja class (ages 6-8)

Monday & Wednesday: 3:30 - 4:15 PM


Our Mini Ninjas program is the perfect introduction to ninja training for ages 6-8. This class focuses on basic obstacles, agility, and balance. Introduce your child to the fun and exciting world of ninja training! The class is designed to improve discipline, coordination, and strength.

All mini ninja classes must be reserved ahead of time.

Want your kiddo to come to classes? Fill out this form to be placed on our wait list!

Please note: Current wait time is about a year. Please fill out our waitlist form below to be notified about class openings.


Youth Ninja Class (ages 9-14)

Monday & Wednesday: 4:15 - 5:00 PM

Photo by DC Artistry

Photo by DC Artistry

Conquering obstacles takes focus, perseverance and discipline. At Northwest Ninja Park we aim to promote these traits all while having fun!

Our classes combine ninja warrior obstacles, with basic strength and agility training. We also integrate aspects of the martial arts and gymnastics. The fusion of these disciplines will lead to greater core strength, grip strength, balance, agility and body control.

Interested in our Youth Ninja program? Fill out out wait-list form below!

Please note: the wait time to get in to this class is about a year.

Waitlist for Kids Classes



Teen / Adult ninja class (ages 15+)

Monday & Wednesday : 6:00 - 7:00 PM

Photo by DC Artistry

Photo by DC Artistry

Our teen/adult classes focus on basic/intermediate obstacles and strength training.

Trial Class: $10